Verifying Storage on Filecoin | Resources


Ready to learn more? There are plenty of additional resources to explore, both in ProtoSchool and beyond. Here are some of our favorites:

What Sets Us Apart: Filecoin’s Proof Systemarticle

Explore what sets Filecoin apart from other blockchains in this blog post from founder Juan Benet.

Scaling Proof of Replication for Filecoin Miningpaper

Learn more about the powers of Proof of Replication (PoRep) in this academic paper from Ben Fisch, Joseph Bonneau, Nicola Greco, and Juan Benet.

Good SNARKs are Here Neededvideo

Explore ZK SNARKs in this Zcon0 talk from Nicola Greco of Protocol Labs.

Filecoin Specspec

Take a deep dive into the technical side of Filecoin in the spec for the protocol.

Anatomy of a CIDtutorialProtoSchool

Explore how CIDs are constructed in Filecoin, from multihash and multicodec prefixes to CID versions. (No coding required.)

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