Ready to learn more? There are plenty of additional resources to explore, both in ProtoSchool and beyond. Here are some of our favorites:
Understanding How IPFS Deals with Filesvideo
This course from IPFS Camp 2019 offers a deep exploration of how IPFS deals with files, including key concepts like immutability, content addressing, hashing, the anatomy of CIDs, what the heck a Merkle DAG is, and how chunk size affects file imports.
The Lifecycle of Data in the DWebvideo
Curious about what happens after you've added data to IPFS? This IPFS Camp 2019 course explores how peers discover and share files on the network, from providing to getting to pinning to deleting.
IPFS: Regular Files APItutorialProtoSchool
Ready to deal with more than primitives? Explore the API custom-built for efficient handling of files in IPFS.